That Which Is Left Behind, 7
Photographic Print
Artworks -
Height: 11 in
Width: 17 in
Aquamarine tinted photograph including two figures. There is a small, dark, blurred figure in the distance on the left. This figure appears to be sitting down. On the right there is a large figure that doesn't fit the frame of the picture, also blurred and darker than the landscaped.
Historical Context:
"The challenges of my life demand introspection. Most times my attempts to recall events have been at best sketchy as I try to piece together the broken fragments of a lost memory. In creating these photography based images I am hoping to create more than the quick visual reference to the subject. To entice the viewer to give pause and let the image develop is my intention. Not to create a landscape but rather a platform for the mind to spring from into places they may have forgotten. Each image holds fuzzy patterns that when given time come to full view. If given the time, the mind is free to wander within this state of discovery. When one view these works, I hope to recreate a moment that mirrors like those spent on the beach. The images, while on the surface represent moments spent beside the water, encourage one to wander freely in the mind. A brief period where reflection takes place not only in the shifting shoreline at our feet, but also within our soul." -Tommy Allen