Current Location:
Cabinet E -> Drawer 12 (E)
Location Notes:
PDC; Cabinet E; Drawer 12

Robert L. Hoskins and Erwin A. Raible Collection of Fin de Siécle French Prints, Gift of Elaine Rutowski Shay ➔ Les Chansonniers De Montmartre: Aristide Bruant (Cabaret Singers of Montmartre)

Book, Photo-mechanical Print
Artworks - Height: 14.5 in Width: 11 in
A song book with music scores and illustrations. Songs are by Aristide Bruant. The second cover indicates there are recorded disks of these songs. It is assumed that this publication was to accompany these disks. Starting on page four there is an article on Bruant by Laurent Tailhade. There are several photo-mechanical reproductions of drawings by Jules-Felix Grandjouan, signed "grandjouan". There are other drawings that are signed Jacques Grandjouan that are in a different drawing style. Relationship to Jules-Felix Grandjouan is unknown. In the center of page four there is a photo-mechanical reproduction of a photograph of Aristide Bruant. This is one of a very few photographs of Bruant and is considered by some to be the best image.