Artworks -
Height: 24"
Width: 18"
Historical Context:
In 2021, Amplifier, a nonprofit that works with artists to design art that amplifies contemporary issues and movements, set out to reframe issues that have been used to divide Americans and start the conversation that can restore faith within each other, renew hope, and repair the social fabric of a country that has been torn apart. The REFRAME 2021 campaign amplified 12 messages by different visionary leaders and illustrated by different artists.
Sister Simone Campbell is a religious leader, attorney and poet with extensice experience in public policy and advocacy for systemic change. She is the former Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, a federal advocacy organization founded by Catholic Sisters to lobby for policies that mend the gaps in income and wealth within the United States. She has led multiple "Nuns on the Bus" trips around the country that focused on bringing awareness to tax and economic justice, healthcare, immigration reform, voter turnout, and bridging and mending gaps in politics and society.
LMNOPI is dedicated to utilizing her artistic skills as a way to amplify messages emanating from within movement for social, economic, racial, and climate justice. She is most well known for her paintings, printmaking, and over 20 murals throughout the United States. LMNOPI is a dedicated community organizer, humanitarian worker and civilly disobedient activist over the last three decades, standing with the movements she depicts in art.