Repair a Holy Place (of Worship)
Artworks -
Height: 21"
Width: 26"
Black and white print of the interior of a church.
Image on the left has cats and the words "Case File #1E170 Identity Theft" in red. Right side has the front interior of a church with pews and a girl with bunny ears.
Historical Context:
"The Final Girl Trope is used in slasher films, a sub-genre of horror. The Final Girl rejects traditional feminine norms, the pressure of authority figures, and the expectations of the adult world. She emasculates her slasher counterpart by fighting back against his terror and i most cases, matching the level of violence he is enacting himself. She holds the right to her own agency, survival, and livelihood.
A central chance is the identity and appearance of the slasher. In iconic slashers such as Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a slasher is a monstrous man who ruthlessly tears down his victims. Here, the slasher is an original character, Bunbun. Visually, Bunbun and the Final Girl are similar. They are two parts to a whole, part of the same entity. They cannot exist without each other.
The world that they live in is hyper-active, high contrast, and bleak. The characters interact with one another in transitional spaces, environments that allow for emotional reflection and contemplation in isolation; riding the bus, sitting in a church, resting in bed, or going for a walk; spaces where vulnerability is at an all-time high." - Lizzy Husted