Related Objects
Clans of the Anishinaabek
Tranquility III
Manidoo Nodin (Spirit Wind)
Current Location:
Pew Campus (Grand Rapids) -> L. William Seidman Center
Location Notes:
Mount Vernon Pedestrian Mall

Akii Ndodem (Earth Totem)

Jason Quigno
GVSU Collection
Indiana Limestone
2020 – 2021
Artworks - Height: 216" Width: 24" Depth: 24"
Note: 18' x 2' x 2'
A tall column with designs carved into it. The designs are semicircles of different shades and some have lines carved on them.
Historical Context:
Akii Ndodem is a simple contemporary design that is inspired by the Anishinaabek people and culture of this area.  The deep cuts that flow from the top to bottom and connect to each side represents water and rivers that flow across the land bringing life to the area.  They also represent humanity with the concept that we are all inter-connected through nature.   The four sides represent the four directions (wayndahnimuk) North (Giwaydinoung), East (Waabinoung), South (Zhawanoung), West (Ningabeunoung). The four sides also represent the four seasons, the four stages of life and the four ethnic groups of humanity which are all interconnecting creating beauty and balance.  Akii Ndodem is Anishinaabek in design and is created by an Anishinaabe, a descendant of the original people of this area.  It also represents all humanity and how we are all connected through our differences, creating a beautiful pattern.