The Subtle Inequality
Artworks -
Height: 17"
Width: 22"
Black and white photograph of a person underwater, their face is covered while a sheer white floating cloth. Arms are raised, bubbles going up towards the surface.
Historical Context:
Meghan Reiman's series of photographs, Subtle Inequality, tackles gender inequalities that women suffer from on a daily basis. From judgement over breast size, snide comments on how loud or how much a woman speaks, to how innocent or religious a woman appears, women are constantly surrounded by unreasonable expectations, unappreciated, overlooked and held back because of their gender. These are all real life examples collected by Reiman from over 25 women she used for her photo shoot. Reiman asks this of the viewer, "While you view these photographs, think about your experience with gender inequality, or how you may have reinforced these stereotypes themselves, whether on purpose or by accident. Knowledge is the key to changing out ways. Think about ways you can switch the tide of these stories."