Unplug: Hiking
Artworks -
Height: 27"
Width: 18"
Poster with a cartoon hiker near a mountain and sun in the sky. Text below image "Unplug- A hike at a national park or a hike through the woods in your local nature preserve, get out and explore something new.
Historical Context:
The "Unplug" series of posters was created by Marco Pavano for his final senior project for his Graphic Design degree at GVSU. The series was created to promote nature as a way for people to mentally unwind from their everyday lives. Regarding his project Marco states, "'Unplug' was inspired by my own personal experience with using nature as a way to destress from my everyday life. Everyone gets caught up in their daily routines, causing stress to build up over time, affecting one's mental health. Nature is proven to positively improve mental health and is accessible to everyone! Sometimes, people take nature for granted and don't appreciate everything that it has to offer.... Mental awareness of your surroundings helps create a distraction and puts your mind in a different place. Training our minds to be aware of our surroundings will help take a break from everyday life and put your mind at ease."