Mixed Media
Artworks -
Height: 117 in
Width: 98 in
Historical Context:
Boyd Quinn is a local Grand Rapids artist who taught painting for many years and the Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University. Art was never a career Quinn had in mind for himself, but as he puts it, “something he fell into accidentally.” He works primarily with painting, but also exploring ideas of collage and mixed media within his body of artwork. His works are concept driven, each one holding a range of stories to be told. For Boyd, the importance isn’t any one particular story, but more about the one that is meaningful for each individual on their own. His paintings are a collage of his own personal observations, and he expects the viewer to make their own observations of his work. Quinn’s paintings are heavily influenced by more historical techniques of painting, for example the still life aspect of this painting, but often drawing on more contemporary commentary.