Artist Biography:
I have a B.F.A. in Illustration and have worked in the art field for over 10 years. I have been employed as a graphic designer and illustrator, however for the past 2 years have worked as an Art Program Coordinator and Instructor, were I assist people with disabilities in creating artwork to sell.
I have a strong passion for all areas of art, which is reflected greatly in my work. My personal style is very refined and unique, filled with depth, texture, and detail. I consider myself a mixed media artist, as I use a variety of techniques in my work. I often use oil paint as my main tool, however, combine various other medias such as: charcoal, pencil, watercolor, ink, acrylics, chalk, photography and transfers. The unique collaging of these elements is what makes my work really stand out from the rest.
I consider myself simply an "artist" as I am immersed into so many different areas of art. Over the years, I have made many great accomplishments as an artist and have been quite successful in the workfield. I have had my work published in children's and science books, been featured in many shows and publications (most prominent, Juxtapoz Magazine Online), and have created illustrations and design work for many businesses throughout the U.S.
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