Megan Stone

individual, ENTITY.2135
Life Dates:
b. 1991
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2012
Artist Biography:
"My work explores the relationships between irregular and structural forms that I engage with in my surroundings. Through constant play in the studio with a wide range of tools such as scrapers, stencils, and brushes, the marks in each painting have a role in the image. An image that glows with neon or feels unfamiliar and recognizable at the same time. Sometimes a simple mark can feel like the heavy weight of a large object or dance across the image, weaving in and out. Other marks are rebuilt over and over until they are intricate enough to convey the qualities of a form that the painting asks for. With the focus of creating something new, surprises are essential and the work transforms into the unexpected through many layers of paint and play." - Megan Stone

Megan Gurisko received her BFA in painting at Grand Valley State University. Her artistic interests lie in painting, drawing, ceramics, and mixed media work. She practices a variety of processes such as photography, printmaking and collage that explore contrasting patterns, forms and textures found within nature to inform her paintings on canvas. Her work is built up through multiple layers of neon colors and playful marks that challenge these invented relationships.