Misha J. Grubbs

individual, ENTITY.3061
Life Dates:
b. 1989
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2012
Artist Biography:
Artist's Statement on work "Rays of Cal City": "Once significant, but now invisible our favorite places wait in limbo. It's a realm we call our neighborhood, which was once filled with supportive and nurturing homes and safe and loving businesses. One by one they fade away and the memories that once resided there begin to diminish as well. Deterioration takes over and their unique qualities are stripped. What is left is a fragile structure. These images highlight those lost traits, emphasize those faint memories and shed light on those weak structures. The vibrant colors aid in the creation of a space that is no longer easy to ignore, and with a combination of these elements these abandoned homes and businesses are revived, beauty is restored, and hope returns." -Misha J. Grubbs

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