Kelly Trisch

individual, ENTITY.3060
Life Dates:
b. 1990
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2012
Artist Biography:
Artist's Statement on work "Nature Deficit": "Many children today are becoming deprived of their direct contact with nature. Experiences in the outdoors are being replaced with video games, computers and other forms of electronic entertainment. In more recent years, childhood has moved indoors. Spending too much time indoors, especially interacting with electronics, has been linked to A.D.D., childhood obesity, and social awkwardness. Time spent outdoors has been proven to be beneficial to a child's physical and mental health. Spending a sufficient amount of time outdoors has been shown to lower depression, anxiety and also raise a child's sense of self-worth. Many children have the same opportunities to explore outdoors, but still choose not to. Children are lacking a vital relationship with the environment. Unstructured play and exploration outside is a necessity, In these images, I am reconnecting children and nature." -Kelly Trisch