Katelynn Daniels

individual, ENTITY.3045
Life Dates:
b. 1989
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2011
Artist Biography:
Artist Statement:

"During a recent visit to London, I found my eyes drawn skyward by the architectural splendor of a new city. My imagination was captured by these "curtains of the sky," my breath stolen away as I stood in their midst. In the intriguing façades of homes, apartments and office buildings, I saw subtle patterns of rhythm and design. These visually exciting elements were, for me, a unique architectural dimension. By capturing these elements, I hope to share my vision with others.

After returning to Michigan, transformed by my experience, I began to explore familiar architecture with my new found awareness. These images represent my vision of architecture through these buildings, my celebration of their distinct identities."