Evan Hinze

individual, ENTITY.2937
Life Dates:
b. 1989
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2011
Artist Biography:
"I move through my world with an experimental mind, exploring eyes and crafting hands. Whether I'm making small paper constructions, painting, weaving, or inventing new recipes in the kitchen, I force myself to try new ways of approaching a problem and to never allow my work to fall into a rigid set of rule. My goal is to make work that is tactile and playful by working with and emphasizing the physical qualities of the materials.

Currently my focus is on using cut paper, collage and found objects to construct three-dimensional pieces which are then photographed as the final illustrations. These photographs represent a constructed reality with connections to the real world but largely based on imagination. I use photography as a tool to play with the aspects of two dimensional and three dimensional space as a medium to move between authentic reality and imaginary reality. Adding a third dimension to my work opens up opportunities for new ways of crafting. It allows me to experiment with and combine a wide variety of materials in order to move away from a literal dialogue and instead build visual metaphors and establish meaningful and complex narratives.

With this work, I attempt to reveal various aspects of evolution. Where we come from designates who we are and our experiences create change and transitions within ourselves and our communities. As a species we have evolved not only biologically but also culturally into a global society that is unique and complex. This development has given us the capacity to do wonderful and terrible things." - Evan Hinze on his series "Aspects of Evolution"