Hans Landsaat

Life Dates:
b. 1935
Artist Biography:
AKKU 2002, A-L, pg.443: Landsaat, H. (Hans) B: 09.27.1935 www.hanslandsaat.nl

For Hans Landsaat, traveling provides a bank of stored experiences that act as fodder for the production of images. Throughout his long career as an artist, Landsaat has walked along the coasts of Western Scotland and the Outer Hebrides, through the Yorkshire Dales and along both sides of the Berlin Wall. After traveling the regions of Europe, he spent a great deal of time in the Australian landscape. Landsaat describes this experience as having a profound influence on his work and thoughts. The results of all of his excursions and continuing wanderings are a plethora of paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, and artist books.