Jessica Noll

individual, ENTITY.2788
Life Dates:
b. 1983
GVSU Alumni Status:
GVSU Alum, 2006
Artist Biography:
Jessica Noll graduated from Grand Valley State University with a B.S. in Photography in 2006. This piece was part of a group of work that was on display in her Senior Thesis Exhibition entitled "Nexus a Visual Connection."

On "Dishwater Hands":

She describes this piece as "a domestic illusion", and says: "My choice of color does not rest on any scientific theory; It is based on observation, on feeling, on the very nature of each experience." She also quotes Henri Matisse with the words: "The Chief aim of color should be to serve expression as well as possible... I discover the quality of colors in a purely instinctive way... My choice of color does not rest on any scientific theory; It is based on observation, on feeling, on the very nature of each experience."